The Father Says Today: March 1st, 2013

Russ-Feb-2013aThe Father says today have you been feeling a little pressure lately? You have puzzled in your mind, “God what is this? What are you doing?” You have made your complaint: “this doesn’t feel comfortable Father….” And I have heard you says the Father. I have not turned a deaf ear to your measured inquiry. I am pleased says the Father that you didn’t shout or panic or flee because of the changes that the tides of life have washed up on your shore. You see says the Father there are two kinds of pressure: one that comes from the enemy and one that comes from My hand.
I will never allow the coils of the serpent to crush you or enclose round about you. With the sword of My mouth I will sever and crush and destroy the strategy of hell that would impede and hinder you. Fear not THAT pressure says the Father for I will not allow it to mark or mar you in any way. There have been those who are blinded by religious foolishness who claim I use sickness and torment to shape My people. That is a despicable lie says the Father. Would you use cancer or death to teach YOUR children? If you being evil wouldn’t wish such things on your children why would you entertain for one moment the lie that I would stand back and allow you to suffer under the lashes that I TOOK ON MY SELF at Calvary?
So the pressure you are feeling is not from the enemy it is the pressure by which you are pressing in to My kingdom. Did I not say in My word that it is through manifold pressures that you will enter into My kingdom which is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost? When you feel that pressure turn not back but rather PUSH IN BOLDLY for you are about to BREAK INTO THE NOW REALM of breakthrough and ascension into the THRONE of DOMINION that is prepared for you. Ruling and reigning begins now says the Father and it is now that I am preparing and moving in your life to cause you to penetrate the barriers of helplessness and victimization that you might take your place at My right hand!

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  • Thank,you father that is just how i have been feeling,thanks for your holy word.You are truly a blessing to my life.Religious people do look at me as i am crazy,because I live my life for my heavenly father.thak,you,and bless you always.

    • I was looking for a daily prophecy for me and my partner (my daughter) in Ministry one day. Just google and saw a lot on internet. I saw Fathers Heart Ministry with Prophets, and Father chose you for me (we were in Prophecy Bibleschool last year). I just wanted to say thank you for the Daily Prophecy. Father is also here in Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa, a long way back from you. That Prophecy is spot on time after time when certain insidents happened. I wanted to praise our Father for the good work He started in your live Prophet Russ. May you & your wife be blessed.