The Father Says Today: March 18th, 2020

The Father says today, My timing is never convenient to the natural man. There are things that you thought would come sooner that are going to come later. There are also things that you thought would come later that are going to happen faster because I am not willing for you to live without joy. I am not willing for you to walk out even in the current situation anything less than your highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. I call upon you this day, says God, to break the mesmerism of fear in your life. Fear wants you to look to the right hand or the left. Fear wants you to get your eyes off of the harvest. Fear wants you to get your focus away from seeking the kingdom, but beloved, seeking the kingdom is what will assure that all things will be added to you even in a time of famine and uncertainty. Be bold in this season. Be courageous. Don’t let anything distract you from seeking the kingdom, for My word cannot be broken. The situations at hand may blast like the winds and waves of a storm against My promises in your life, but I will grind the problems to powder and bring you up and bring you out to your blessing place.

It is a new day, says God. This is the year of “as in heaven so on earth…” Even as I said through the prophet in November of 2019, this is the season to establish a PRAYER PERIMETER around your life. Let your mouth pray. Speak your faith and not your doubt. Speak to the mountain of adversity, and it will obey you. Ask, seek, and knock; you will not be disappointed. This is the day that I am raising up saviors out of Zion to manifest My greatness, and you are one of My chosen ones called to show forth My praises amid the dark time. Accept this day the commission of heaven. The angels are coming alongside both to work and to work out the details. This is not a time to delay. You wanted to postpone some things and put off some things, but I say listen to My voice and not the voice of man. My ways are not man’s ways for this ground even in the time of famine is the hundredfold ground you have prayed for and believed for. Sow your faith. Sow your vision. Sow your expectation, and you will receive in this life the hundredfold return even as I promised in My word. You are My chosen and My choice. You are My word walker, says the Father. As you walk out My word and act on the blueprints and plans I have given, you will not be disappointed.

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  • Frances McHenry says:

    Thank you Father for your amazing Grace, favor, provisions, and protection. I receive in Jesus’s name Amen!

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Hallelujah ! Thank You Father. Make You arm bare and show Your might in my situation today. El Olam, take my efforts and multiply them. El Shaddai, my soul waits for You to do what only You can do. Jehovah Jireh, may my life display Your power. Jehovah sabaoth, do the impossible in and through me, in the name of Jesus, Amen.