The Father Says Today – March 15th, 2024

The Father says today you’ve wondered if you were going the right way but I’ve already turned your heart in the direction that you must go and the direction I’ve chosen for you although everyone around you will not understand or approve. You’ve sought encouragement and comfort, and I bring them both. But more importantly, I bring action. My presence isn’t for passive observation. The sacrifice wasn’t made for polite distance. Understand, I am entangled in your situation. The cross wasn’t a mere symbol; it was a decisive act. Just as surely, I am actively involved in what you face today. It’s messy, yes, and you might not see the clear path forward. But I am working, up to my very essence, to bring resolution.

Now, this doesn’t mean a magical solution will fall into your lap. This is about partnership. My hand is extended, but yours needs to meet it. Here’s what I ask: be observant. Look for the subtle shifts, the unexpected opportunities, the doors that seem to creak open on their own. Recognize them as My influence, the tendrils of My intervention. Don’t dismiss them as coincidence. Acknowledge them, celebrate them! Speak of My role in these developments. Let your voice be a beacon, announcing that I am present and working. This isn’t about arrogance; it’s about acknowledging the divine at play. Finally, cooperate. Give Me some cooperation and I will give you some change. Go back and read that again. Don’t hesitate or resist when these openings appear. Step through them with confidence. This is your part in the partnership. Trust that I am guiding you, and move forward in that faith. Let nothing deter you from this path I am carving for you. It leads to your destiny, the purpose I set in motion before the world began. Walk it with courage, and know that I am beside you, every step of the way.

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  • Donald McEuens says:

    I receive all these pogiant profound prophetic messages with an open heart of gratitude. Prophet Russ everytime I receive a message from you it doesn’t bring me to the brink of tears. I break down and cry which through Christ Jesus gives me the strength and fortitude to yet press down and push forward with hope of a brighter day. Now that the Holy Spirit has blessed me with mutiltalentes particularly the gift to sing that gift is very precious to me because as a child I couldn’t carry one note. Until one day I was broken and Spirit crushed a voice said open up your mouth and sing for I just a song on your heart and a hymn on your tongue. That hymn has become contagious to the point that the Los Angeles Film and music Academy wants me back in Hollywood California. All glory goes to the one ochrestrating my life. The other day while on the phone with the admission department in Hollywood she said you’ll get that Grammy and whenever you want to return home come in home. That is most definitely God’s hand collectively with all the three God heads of the Holy Trinity working interwovenly in my life. Five or six other doors creeper open one getting training and certification to teach children k12 in Math and English, the other one at The United States Department of Justice in Boarder Patrol, Marquette University, the Department of Foregin Affairs via the Director to work on foreign soil as a Diplomat. I retired from the school district and I love children so dearly as Mother Theresa said they’re gifts from God. She also said no one should die loved. I know without any ambiguity that God loves me when my own family vehemently didn’t. I walked away from my diligent pursuit to be a good lawyer that was given me many memberships in all legal organizations and sought out by Law Schools like Harvard Law School Northeastern Law School and so many others in my beginning stages of what’s been successful litigation for 30 years plus but School in that field wasn’t fulfilling in the end due to the law being so vexed with a web of caphonony *e.g. False narratives that they don’t adhere to). At the moment I did that my prayer life amped up in that secret place to spend more precious quite time with the father the son and the Holy Spirit. More time reading his holy and immaculate word memorizing a verse a day. I truly love this ministry.