The Father Says Today: March 15th, 2020

The Father says today, safeguard your heart from the negative! Saturate your mind with the positive promises of My word and refuse to get pulled down into the false narrative of the world, the media and the enemy of your soul. Anything contrary to My word originates in hell and is not My portion for you to feed on. Put a wall of opposition between yourself and the situation, the people, and the environment that continually reeks of the negative, defeatist attitudes of unbelief. The enemy of your hopes has packaged the negative and drops it at your door every day. It is time to resist against all his wiles to bring you down with his deception! Whatsoever things are pure, perfect, and of good report embrace and let the rest go!

What settles in your heart in abundance will be produced in your life, says the Father. This is the way I designed the human heart to work for you and not against you. Fill your heart with those things that are pure, and the pure will usurp the impure in your life. Fill your heart with those things that are lovely, and lovely things will appear on your stoop every morning. Fill your heart with those things that make a good report, and the good report will find its way to your back door. Fill your heart with those things that arise from virtue, and My virtue will go forth from My throne and heal your land. Is there not any praise, or any positive, blissful fact to entertain your thoughts this day? Think about these things today, says the Father, and they will be the predictors of your tomorrow.

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  • Lord fill my heart with your presence and your words always and may my thoughts align with your will for me. Amen

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Hallelujah ! Thank You Father. El Elyon, use me to glorify You. Jehovah Hashopet, strengthen my obedience. Jehovah Sabaoth, help me spread Your love. Jehovah ‘Ori, give me clarity. Jehovah Bara, align my heart with Yours, align my mind with Yours, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Joseph Mulwa says:

    Amen I receive,Jehovah is my shammah in Jesus name.I am not be moved.