The Father Says Today: March 13th, 2020

The Father says today, none of these things took Me by surprise! I am the only one in charge of what happens next in your life. Understand just how fragile the obstacle is confronting you. Fear not – choose to fear not by realizing how powerful you are in Christ and how strongly I am standing beside you. Imagine how many angels have been assigned to war and minister on your behalf until captivity is held captive, and victory is yours. The stockpiles held for you in the heavens are immense. You have experienced heaven manifesting in your life before, do not allow your faith to be hindered. You can do this, says the Father.

The armaments of glory are at your disposal. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty to pull down every challenge coming against you. In Christ – you can quench the violence of the sword, cross the impenetrable barrier, and break down the obstacle that the enemy has erected before you. It is all smoke and mirrors on the enemy’s part anyway. The enemy does not have one substantial impediment he can cast in your way because the Cross just blows them all out of the water. Make your decision today not on the red light the enemy is giving but the green light I am giving, says the Father. Go forward and claim your destiny.

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  • blueskya1a says:

    All glory and honour goes to you Lord! I exalt You for You will prevail and have Your way on this earth! The field is becoming even more ready for harvesting! Lord of the harvest we ask that you would send out even more workers!

  • I am strong in Christ Jesus and I can overcome anything. I am a massive giant in the authority of Christ. The enemy cannot prevail. I got the victory.

  • Frances McHenry says:

    Thank you Father for your perfect will for my life. Through me you shall do great exploits! Have your way Father, show up and show out as only you can do, Amen!

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Hallelujah ! Thank You Father. Make Your arm bare and show Your might in my situation today. Jehovah El Shaddai, Jehovah Adon Kal Ha’arets, Jehovah Chereb, Jehovah Eli, Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah, do the impossible in and through me in the name of Jesus, Amen.