The Father Says Today: March 13th, 2013

Russ-Feb-2013aThe Father says today that I am disposed to answer your questions this day. Before we get to that why don’t you climb up here on My lap and let’s visit awhile. Do you see that patch of darkness and pain over there in your life? Watch how I wash it away just by thinking about what the cross has done for you. Let it go says the Father. Just let Me wash you right now…
Let’s focus on that pain in your body that has lingered so long. Turn your attention on My face just now. Turn your attention on Me and tug on that pain like a dog on a leash. Make the pain acknowledge Me JUST NOW … I am healing you says the Father. You will never feel that again. I am renewing you. I am mending your organs and your tissues. I am renewing the oil of your youth.
Now what WERE those questions you wanted to ask Me? What? They don’t matter? Well perhaps we can get to them another day. Let just have a GOD day today just you and I. My child, My child I love you so!

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  • Rev. Mary says:

    The Lord is leaving me speechless! I praise God for you Prophet Russ. For I know this is truly straight from the Lord throne room. I’ve be dealing with MS for over 17 yrs, for this is my hour of total recovery! For the Lord promised in His word, I wish above ALL thing that as your soul prosper so shall you prosper. For Lord has truly done a total make over of my spirit, soul and body from 94 to now is has restored my youth!.

  • Ringeta Daniel Mashimbye says:

    This is the greatest motivation for me. My pain is Gone in the name of Jesus Christ.

  • phumzile says:

    Amen……Lord thank you for your prophetic word, I believe that my body is healed even from hiding pains that were abt to manifest. Healed to point of my tooth filled again because there is nothing bigger than you! Amen Praise The Living Father!