The Father Says Today: March 11th, 2020

The Father says today, I am your deliverance from every threat and every assault of the enemy. The naysayers and the alarmists have seen some things, says the Father, but they choose to live in a world that completely denies that I even exist. It doesn’t matter even if the very foundations of the world are shattered, I declare to you that you will be left standing. When medicine has failed, and politics have failed and every other sphere of influence, you will be found safe in the secret place of the Most High. Steady yourself and calm yourself with the reality that I live on the inside of you, and I take care of My habitation, and I set My seal on the temple that you are.

This is a time for My men and My women to come together as the dwelling place and the army that I have constituted you to be. This is the Decade of Prayer. This is the year of “as in heaven so on earth.” There is no COVID-19 in heaven. There are no facemasks in heaven. When you pass through those gates there are no hand sanitizing stations. There are no quarantines or fear-mongering talking heads. Remember that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead quickens your mortal bodies in ways that can’t be measured with a stethoscope or put on a slide to be examined. I am your strength. I am your inoculation from every virus and disease. This is the time for who I am on the inside of you to shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of your Father.

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  • Patrina Denise Malone says:

    Glory to God Hallelujah! Glory to my God. Help me Jesus, I don’t know what to do, but i stand on faith. I’m praying and ask for prayer for my life and family as a vessel of God to be blessed in all areas.
    I pray and standing on faith. God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear. The Lord is my Joy!

  • Frances McHenry says:

    Thank you Father, I receive your peace, protection, and provisions as it is on Earth as it is in Heaven, Amen!

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Praise the Lord who daily carries our burden, God of salvation ! Heavenly Father, make Your arm bare and show Your might in my situation today, use me to glorify You, may my life display Your power, do the impossible in and through me, in the name of Jesus, Amen.