The Father Says Today: June 9th, 2012

The Father says that the genuine always outpaces the counterfeit. I said the genuine artifacts of the Kingdom will always outpace the counterfeits that the enemy brings in because he is on a budget, and I’m not. You will know the difference by becoming familiar with My sound, says the Father. The enemy will bring many misdirections and diversions to draw you away from My purposes for your life. Listen for My sound. My sound will always provoke ascension into My Mind.

My sound is the Voice of Many Waters. I will come to you in many iterations and very often in ways you don’t recognize. You are right now being led into uncharted territory and into the trackless depths of My Spirit. Just because something is unfamiliar doesn’t mean it isn’t Me. I came walking on the water, and My disciples thought I was a ghost!

So relinquish the familiar and the common and embrace the watermark of My Spirit. Don’t be swayed by those around you who have confused timidity with discretion. There is no wisdom in cowardice. Be bold enough to listen to My voice and be led where My voice is taking you. You asked for this. You signed up for this, says the Father. Don’t shrink back now that I’m leading you where you always asked Me to take you.

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Other Comments

  • Thank you Russ and Kitty for these encouraging and helpful words from the Lord, I will be away from June 12 until June 19, however, it will be wonderful to read all when I return home. You are so blessed. AR

  • You are taking me to higher places, like hinds feet up to the Mountain tops where I can look around from a distance.
    Next weekend I will be attending a Conference done by your holy ones for Your Glory. I’ll be listening for Your many waters, and for the sounds of Your Spirit through the wind and I will leap for joy because You will be right there with me; it will be a time of refreshing and direction for my life. I am anxiously waiting for your exhilarating presence with fragrant love.

  • Russ and kitty ur god send angel the things u has prophecies are. from god.the one on the 8 and the4th are real I did open my ears and things I have hear were bad about us from the mouth of the enemies but thank god I have never answer them and I forgive them as u told me before that I must release forgive and bless and idid that. May the living god increase ur number of living I still want to hear more thank u