The Father Says Today: June 8th, 2013

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The Father says today that I am bubbling up on the inside of you an unction of maturity and deeper grace. I am maturing on the inside of you into a full grown manifestation of who I am and what I am capable of doing. I would that you know and that you experience what it is to have the backing of heaven beneath you bearing you up to the full stature of My person on the inside of you.
So rejoice says the Father for as the Father sent Me so I have sent you. As the Father empowered Me I have empowered you beyond any measure you have imagined thus far. Your hand and My hand will be as one. Your mind and My mind will be as one. Your words and My words will be as one and I will not allow your words to fall to the ground even as My words do not fall to the ground or fail to come to pass.
You are My regency in the earth says the Father. Go forward and fulfill the mandate of heaven.

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