The Father Says Today: June 8th, 2012

The Father says I will never deny you. You haven’t denied Me, and I won’t deny you. If I failed to answer your prayer, that would be denial. I won’t do that, says the Father; if I failed to speak to you when you needed to hear from Me, that would be denial. I won’t do that, says the Father.

I will never hold Myself aloof from you.

I will never stand by observing while you struggle and suffer.

I will never casually observe the deficits in your life and not supply the need.

I will make My healing virtue available to you at every juncture.

It’s who I AM, says the Father, and what I do. I’m not holding out on you. You do not have to overcome My reluctance to meet your need. When I see you coming toward Me, I don’t look the other way. I won’t change the subject when you come into the room. I won’t have one opinion about you privately and then talk critically behind your back.

I am the friend that sticks closer than a brother. People have done all of the above to you and act as though they did nothing wrong. You have been hurt, rejected, maligned, and disdained. My friendship will erase all of that. Give Me the rejection and the pain. Take it as a lesson to lean upon Me more fully and not to look to Man. People will fail you. That is their nature, and it is your nature as well. Cursed be he who trusts in man and makes the arm of flesh his trust. The man who puts his confidence in Me shall NEVER be moved.

So renew your confidence in Me, says the Father, and take your mind off the betrayals and disappointments you have experienced. When I am through blessing you in this time, the failures of those around you will be a dim memory that simply triggers your love for them in spite of it all.

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Other Comments

  • Shelly says:

    Thank you father God. You are as real to me as life and I desire so much more of you. It is though these words leaped off of this page jumped straight into my heart. Thank you Russ and Kitty for allowing yourselves to be in complete obedience to God by giving this. It touched me in a way that you can’t imagine.

  • OH! OH!my father make my healing virtue available. I have been through
    Many problems at work and at home that has caused me diabetic but I’m controlling it and I’m not on treatment because I believe the father son of david. The way he take care of me always by observing me24HRs and I know that when I continue to prey and believe he will heal me thank u the prophetic was real every thing for the 8june is true AAaaameN

  • Evangelist Henderson Washington says:

    Amen. Such a refreshing Word from Heaven. Thank you. EHW

  • Stephanie says:

    Amen..last night after heavy prayer after getting a lil beside myself, i went into prayer. I sat there for a few moments in the dark. Within minutes, which seemed like seconds, my phone alerted as if i had a text message. No text but the time said 3:33am..Jeremiah 33:3 is what dropped in my spirit..and in this rests morning prayer questions..He is so worthy to be praised!

  • Rosemary says:

    Thank you Father for confirming your living word that you will supply all our needs according to your riches in heaven and assuring us that we should not be afraid because you will not leave us alone or forsake us.

  • We will be attending a Conference by KCM on June 15th and 16th in Honolulu, Hawaii. Looking forward to this time of restoration of Wisdom and Counsel by the Father. I will make it worth our while and time since I will be leaving on the 12th and returning on the 19th. I ask for your presence in everything I do, breath, touch and say in Jesus name I pray.

  • Dearest Father, I’ve never doubted you for a minute. I know you are with me, and that you are encouraging me to love despite my feelings, and for that I am grateful to you Lord. Thank you for putting me in a posture of overcoming; when You and I will be attending a happening next week in Hawaii, a place like paradise to enjoy your warmth, your teachings, and your voice in the beauty of your holiness.

  • Apples of gold in settings of silver….may God continue to abundantly bless u both in this ministry! and thank u for being faithful to the calling on your lives. all believers should covet to fulfill their own, what a wonderful way to worship our Lord in action, spirit, talent and truth! forbid not prophecy, indeed. 😉 have a blessed day in Jesus’ name.

  • Ellen says:

    Thank you Lord for the right forcus. Thank you Russ and Kitty for this powerful word of encouragement. You always come through with the right word at the right time.