The Father Says Today: June 7th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 1.47.42 PMThe Father says today that I have given you a jurisdiction and an authority to rule. In your jurisdiction you are authorized to act in My behalf and I will back up your words and your prayers and your declarations. You are not powerless says the Father. Though you be empty and hollow without Me realize that you are NOT without Me for one split second.
So accept the commission and the mantle of assignment that is on your life. No longer waiting for what must happen or what others think must take place. Act now says the Father. Stand forth now. Fulfill your destiny now and all of heaven will endorse your boldness with the full inventory of glory’s resources.

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  • Marlene Augustus says:

    rophet Russ and Kitty i want to thank you for your daily prophecies they encourage me so much many a times I just weep, I know the pain and rejection in this walk, the prophecy for the 7 June seems like God is talking directly to me, I love the way you speak volumes into our destinys. I’m out in South Africa,don’t stop doing what God requires you to do. Love Marlene Augustus

  • THE PEARL says: