The Father Says Today: June 6th, 2023

The Father says today; you are entering new dimensions of My glory. There is no limitation on the depths you can experience in My kingdom, says the Father. There has been an assumption on the part of My children that they must die in order to go on to greater glory. I say to you today that the greater glory is in you – in your heart by virtue of the new birth experience. There is no less of My Spirit on the inside of you now than there will be when you make your exit from this life. I do not require the instrumentality of physical death to bring you to higher heights and deeper depths in Me. Death is an enemy. It is the last enemy that shall be overcome. No longer allow yourself to see death as a means to greater dimensions of habitation in My presence. The abiding places that I have prepared for you are not only in eternity but in this life as well. My purpose is to see to it that the FULL DIVIDEND and BENEFIT of the cross be experienced not only THEN but NOW!

Can you take now for an answer? Religion always postulates on the hereafter, but I say to you that My kingdom is a NOW kingdom, and there is no less eternity in you now than there will be when you physically stand before Me in a glorified body. So, make up your mind to WEAR the crown NOW that you will willingly CAST at My feet THEN! Ruling and reigning begin NOW. Walking in the kingdom is a NOW proposition. Experiencing fullness is a NOW experience that fills you utterly with WHO I AM and causes you to be a conduit of glory out to those who are in darkness. Know this, says the Father, that the greater glory is upon you, and in you, and flowing out through you. Be that light! Be that illumination! Allow the river of My life to find its boundaries and manifest the miraculous, even this day, as you go out to rejoice and stand in praise and worship before Me this day, says the Father!

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