The Father Says Today: June 6th, 2013

907451_4507801464008_2113390240_nThe Father says you are My child first and foremost. Above every other commitment or consecration you are Mine. I purchased you with a price beyond all calculation. Those who attempted to control your life didn’t pay any price at all and yet they want to control you contrary to My plan. Shake off the illegitimate authorities standing about you and be free says the Father.
Be free says the Father and begin today to walk in the liberty that is the base state of one in whom My paternity has been established. You are My child says the Father. Rejoice! You are My Beloved and as My Beloved I am drawing you to Myself and shaking off of you the false obligations of illegitimate authority. They don’t know what they think they know and they do not have first claim on your life. You are Mine and yes Beloved I am YOURS!

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