The Father Says Today – June 5th, 2024

The Father says today, focus on your ministry purpose, the calling I placed on your life. It may not be your top priority right now, but trust that when you seek My kingdom first, all things will be added to you. Relationship breakthroughs are yours. Open doors and unexpected provisions are coming. Healing and health beyond your expectations are already flowing in your life. The gift I ordained for you is like a powerful force, pushing down walls of limitation. The landscape of possibility is shifting, and what seemed like dead hopes are springing back to life. I say to you, “What are you declaring about your mountain?” Just as Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it obeyed him, I have placed a word of command within you. Speak the things you desire. Unleash a torrent of declaration and decree, and see what I do in response to your faith-filled cry. This is where those who truly walk in faith separate themselves from those who merely talk about it. Make room for the gifts I’m placing on you. There’s something unusual happening within you, a unique anointing for service. The purpose I placed in your heart is bubbling up, and the aroma fills the house. It’s time to come to the table. A place setting is waiting for you, with your name on it. But I also see another setting, where the angel removes the name card. Just as Samuel stopped waiting for King Saul, there are relationships you’ve held onto faithfully, but it’s time to let go. Let Me handle those situations. Your job is to press into the glory raining down on you, whether others choose to join you or not.

This is a valley of decision. It’s about trust and where your deepest loyalties lie. You made a commitment to follow Me, and I call upon you to fulfill that vow. I don’t want you to live any longer without the fullness of joy that’s your birthright. The gift and calling on your life are expanding like new wine in a new wineskin. Let go of the old ideas about what I’m doing. Embrace the new thing I’m bringing forth in you, even if it seems unusual. You’re not a generic follower of Mine. You’re not meant to conform to others’ expectations. You have a unique ministry and anointing to manifest. Provision is coming in unexpected ways. There will be lump sums and steady streams of resources to launch you into what I’ve called you to do. Begin to pray according to Hebrews 13:17 regarding those who have dampened your vision. It’s not your place to convince them. Simply give an account to Me and let it go. Those people are not your burden to bear. Don’t mourn that everyone isn’t as excited as you are. Give an account as instructed, and I will work in their lives. There will come a day when they’ll want to be part of the solution, not the problem. They’ll approach you with softened hearts, seeking peace. Finally, God says, put down roots like a tree planted by rivers of living water. When everyone else is swept away by life’s storms, you will be rooted and unshakeable.

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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