The Father Says Today: June 5th, 2023

The Father says today, refuse to be distracted. When the enemy figures out that you are not going to be moved from your focus on My kingdom, distractions will radically diminish in your life. The enemy of your soul will not waste his time on a strategy against you that no longer works. Stop answering that call when it comes. You know what the conversation will be and that the end of it is frustration and anger. Refuse to read the text from hell. Delete that e-mail without reading it. Stop playing into the distraction of the enemy to manipulate your emotions and steal your joy.

This day I call upon you, says the Father, to take responsibility and authority over every avenue of ingress into your life, heart, and mind. Turn away from the corrupt communications poured into your life through others, the media, and even those closest to you. When they lament their hypocrisy – refuse to feign mournfulness with them. When they pipe the odes of their unbelief – refuse to dance to their tune. Make it your determination to be careful for nothing, and set your affection and the attenuation of your mind upon WHO I AM and WHAT I AM DOING, and not any other thing. In so doing, beloved, you will immerse yourself in My presence and elevate yourself to a new level of authority with immediate results.

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