The Father Says Today: June 4th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-03 at 7.03.38 PMThe Father says today look up! Look upward for your encouragement and your focus today. When I walked the earth in a mortal coil it was necessary that I look up as well. When I looked up I saw My Father. If you don’t see the Father then you are not looking up. When I looked up I saw the glory wherewith I found Myself clothed in power and grace to fulfill My assignment. That same energy is alighting upon you in great measure this day says the Father.
Look UP says the Father. Look up and see the mantling process that is at work upon you from above. The lateral influences of darkness and lack and confusion have no real power. I am clothing you from above and in that garment you become invisible to the hands and eyes of those who want to spoil your destiny.
Your hour is come says the Father. Your hour is NOW. I am a NOW God and I am making a NOW provision for you to manifest who I am on the inside of you.

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  • tonya says:

    Praise Jesus, from whom all blessings flow. Lord I will focus my attention upon you.
    You are Great, Holy and the True and Living God.

  • I have found myself looking up into the sky ,talking to my Father.This ministry has encouraged me through some very dark/hard trials.Thank you for be obedient to The Voice of our Father.