The Father Says Today: June 3rd, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 1.47.42 PMThe Father says today that I am kindling a fire in your life. I am kindling the fire and I bringing your life to combustion in My presence. I am the ignition source within you says the Father and your bones will burn with the message and the vision that I am imparting to you even this day. There is a fresh baptism says the Father a baptism of fire and upon you shall it light and upon you shall it be poured out in great measure.
So gather together every combustible thing in your life and present them for the burning. Allow Me to bring to ashes those attitudes and even those things you have placed false value on. There is not one thing of true value I will not preserve or protect but there are many things that will be incinerated in the power of My presence as you throw open the gates of your heart for the burning and the fire of My glory that will not rest till it finds its repository in the depths of your heart.

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