The Father Says Today: June 3rd, 2012

The Father says, “Never answer your critics.” Those around you are having a hard time coping with your call. They don’t see you the way I see you, and that stumbles them where you are concerned. Would you like Me to help you with that? “LOVE THEM REGARDLESS!” I have called you to walk in humility. This doesn’t mean that you should bow to the pressure of men or demons. Humility is a frame of reference in your walk with Me, regardless of what men think. In that humility, you will find the grace to walk in love. I haven’t called you to stand in any man’s shadow or to bow to the opinions of men about who you are and what you are supposed to be doing. The waters you are navigating in this season have shipwrecked many because they allowed the distractions of men to drive their lives to the ground on the reefs of illegitimate authority. The Father says this is no time to be a careful failure or to measure the opinion of the uninformed. Strike the sails of your spirit and turn your rudder into My wind. I am taking you to the uncharted waters of your divine destiny in Me.

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Other Comments

  • esther sharon lee says:

    Such strong prophetic words and very penetrating to the soul. Yes, you have the heart of the father. Your rewards are piling up in heaven treaury,

  • NOAH SEKU says:


  • Ellen says:

    This is such a timely message. There are illagetimate authorities that would perfer you answer to them rather than to God. Your prophetic word has helped me to keep the love flowing and remain hummble.

  • I have been having a real struggle with His calling to teach the Word of God…I just want to please the Lord Jesus with all my heart……and this prophecy has helped me to know that in spite of my insecurities, and the gossip that has almost destroyed me……I have to trust HIM and remain faithful to that which HE has called me to do.
    Thank you.

  • Powerful,this is so relevent to what we currently experiencing God is talking to me as an individual, thank you Lord for a word in season,God has hearken to our cries,thank you heaveny father for your blessing and using the man of God and his wife to speak a word into our lives everyday…I receive this word in Jesus name!

  • Having just read my comment above, I must reiterate that I plan to walk with my Savior in any circumstance of wind, rain or fire.
    Thanks again for today’s prophesy, it’s encouraging and has already helped me to be a better Christian. God bless you. Anastasia Robinson.

  • Anastasia Robinson says:

    This is right on for me, especially today when several were asking me about how they thought I had caught the fire of God and was coming out and what had happened because I was different. I didn’t get into it much except that I had been getting up earlier, and visiting with ones who had needed some help, some of which was well received and others that I would still like to work with for restoration, healing and inspiration with prayer to receive what they still needed from the Lord. I gave them a simple answer, but enough information to satisfy. I am open to the Lord in every way that He leads, and at my age, I’m amazed at the energy he’s given me to do even the unexpected in humility. Praise the Lord for His deep work in me to Will and be strong and do His good pleasure in obedience. He knows my every need, and delights in my willingness to continue walking with Him even when the winds of change are blowing on us all. Thank you for your prayerful supply of the Fathers Love and heartfelt direction from Him in your Ministry.
    Anastasia Robinson

  • Brenda Williams says:

    Thank you Father, I am ready and looking forward to the uncharted waters of my destiny in You! No weapon nor tongue can stop the Flow of these waters for this is My place predestined by You!! Hallelujah Glory to God Almighty!! He rules and reigns!!

  • Ritalim says:

    Tq very2 much, Prophet Russell Walden..tq so much for delivering God’s message to our hearing which we really need so much this day.And it has really set us free and gave us spiritual direction as well as comfort and love.- Ritalim