The Father Says Today: June 30th, 2019

The Father says today, I am the God of tribes, peoples, and nations. I am the God of the ethnos – the nations – and in righteousness will I overrule the injustices of man that have plagued the disenfranchised peoples of the earth. I will overturn governments, and I will vacate positions of power. I will bring down the high and lofty and promote from obscurity men and women who will accomplish My will. Even as I raised Cyrus to bring about My purposes in days of old, I am raising up kings, potentates, legislators, and elected leaders whose hearts will be in My hand and I will turn them whithersoever I will.
In this season, I will bring My hand over the governments of the earth and they will know that there is a KING of GLORY who wars on behalf of the saints. Stay in a place of rest and trust in the work of My hand. Know that I hold you safe and none will take you from the palm of My hand. I inhabit that high and lofty place with that one who is of a humble and contrite spirit before Me. Take your refuge in Me and trust in Me in this hour for your need has not escaped Mine eye. As you open your hand in surrender, I will bare My arm in deliverance. I will not turn to the right hand or the left but WILL accomplish that whereunto I have set My face, says the Father.

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Other Comments

  • Israel says:

    Very powerful as I received this. I stood on top of the highest hill overlooking our tribal territory here in The a Pacific NW. As a prophetic unction to this word my daughter who is 7 years old banged on her native drum and I blew the shofar in agreement with this free word from the Lord. Freedom and liberty. This word will come to pass. Aho!!

  • Esther Eagle says:

    Amen amen. All day I’ve been feeling Good wants me to rest in Him..and here is confirmation. Thank you FHM and God Bless all!

  • Cynthia Mianscum Neeposh says:

    I received in jesus name…
    Also we need deliverence.
    To break the yoke of Generational
    Curse on both side of my family
    And use us for his Glory..
    In jesus name I pray .. Amen..🙏

  • Carol May says:

    In the awesome precious wonderful Name of Jesus Christ I agree received with Thanksgiving 🙏

  • blueskya1a says:

    Its hard to wait at times, but I know You are working and so I shall reign in my soul and tell it to simmer down and wait, for You WILL work Your amazingly perfect plan Lord. I know you’ve got something quite good that I can’t do myself and so I trust You instead.
    Thank you Russ & Kitty for this special word from Headquarters!