The Father Says Today: June 2nd, 2015

The Father says today as you hallow my name I will set ambushments against the enemy of your soul and destroy the work of his hands. I said in the last days I would pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and you are one eligible for that which I am pouring out even this day. You will prophesy says the Father and the words that proceed out of your mouth will not fall to the ground. You will speak in other tongues says the father and the enemy will be confounded, confused, turned back, and destroyed. I call you the instrument of my hand. I call you the vessel that I will pour out through this day. Others have disqualified you because they judged you according to standards that I did not author or originate. Your qualification is in the shed blood of Calvary – not in what you know, or what you have accomplished. Your credibility is found in my favor and not in the approval of man. As you seek My mind and my purpose and open yourself to the anointing I am availing to you today doors will open, keys will be distributed, and breakthrough will happen.
So step out in your day today knowing that I am with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. Listen to the voice of My voice even the “Christ in You”. I did not bleed and die to place you in the containment of man. Who I am will not be contained therefore you will not be contained. Will you make mistakes? Big ones, says the Father but be of good cheer I will cause even your mistakes to prosper. Accuracy and protocol will be replaced in your thinking with abiding in the vine. Allow Me to vine Myself in you and branch Myself in you. As I vine and branch Myself in you says the Father you will bring forth fruit. You will bring forth fruit and I will teach, train and instruct you in such a way that your fruit will remain to your benefit and to the benefit of many who are crying out to Me in this hour.

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