The Father Says Today: June 2nd, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 8.00.14 PMThe Father says today that I am closing the gap in your heart between highest heart’s desire and mere wishful thinking. Positive mental attitude is a poor substitute for confident expectation of My intervention in your life. I am the God who intervenes. I intervene in the affairs of nations and I intervene in the affairs of those whose lives are lived in obscurity and hiddenness. I am intervening in your life even this day says the Father. You will hear My sound and see My hand at work under this sun.
You have not been overlooked says the Father. You have not been overlooked or passed over. This is promotion time for you. I am promoting you to fresh intimacy in My counsels and My words will be in your mouth and in your mind as the active ingredient of your own breakthrough. Are you ready for change says the Father? Then align yourself into that path of progress in Christ that will fast track you to the new day that is dawning even now.

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  • courtney says:

    Thank you Father for my breakthrough. My wish is to have a child of my own and I believe in this breakthrough that God will provide my needs. Amen

  • I announced the NEW DAY in my life yesterday and I believe that he who has begun the good work in me shall accomplish what he has started.

  • joyce says:

    Thank u so much for ur intervention father. I look forwad for the promotio of my life. Joyce