The Father Says Today: June 2nd, 2012

The Father says I’m going to get pushy in your life. I’m going to push down the altars of the idols that have demanded your worship and I’m going to push out the enemy that has encroached upon your territory. I say to you that you don’t have to keep asking Me about that anymore. You’ve asked, and you’ve pleaded, and you’ve begged and cajoled. You are about to see the response of Heaven to your anguished cry! I HAVE in FACT heard your cry says the Father. I have heard your cry and I am going to display My glory in your life to such a degree that the clouds of darkness and confusion will be BURNED away by the brightness of My coming. I am coming says the Father. I am coming into the earth, yes but I am coming into your situation. I say to you I am coming to show My power and show My glory and manifest My substance! The angel of My glory is stepping out into your situation and says “Enough!” He is declaring My declaration says the Father, “No More!”
Can you feel it? Can you sense My hand descending on your life? Get ready, says the Father. Get ready for the joy that usurps, mourning that rejoicing that will redefine the hopes that you have hoped for in your life.

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  • Vivian Dillard says:

    What a word ,what a word,I’m jumping for joy. For the God I serve is an awesome
    God. Keep on waiting on Him for He will show up. ON TIME,IN TIME,HIS TIME. Amen!!! The True And Living God!!!!! I Give Him Praise!!!

  • Jeremy Murray says:

    I just registered with Fathers Heart Ministry yesterday and recieved for the first time your daily prophetic word today. Yesterday evening I was literally saying the words to God in prayer I’m begging you Lord I’m begging you and I have been begging you for a long time now, when are you going to respond to me for a new change in my situation. And yes I have had idols in my life that are being torn down now. As I recieved this email today I was reading it on my smart phone I was outside today and there were dark clouds outside and the fire of God fell upon me and the clouds departed and the sun came out and I just have to say I was in great tears of joy and felt his overwhelming love and presence and the confusion left me the bondages broke off my life I am truly healed. And yes I have been in mourning over a certain situation there is so much more to this but I don’t have enough words, but I just want to say thank you so much,and I want to be a financial partner with this annointed ministry truly because it’s mission is to healed the broken hearted. Thanks again!!!

  • chrissie nkhoma says:

    To God be the glory enough of every negative situations ayayayayayaya ,,,,uum am blessed to read this word that the Glory of the Lord will be manifested in my situations..This word also just confirmed what i just read again on 2 corinthians 5 v 17 ..which says if any man be in christ is anew creation; old things have passed away and all things have become new uuum the Angel of Glory come Enough is enough.NO more cloud of darkness Holy ghost fire new things have been birthed HALLELUJAH.

  • deacon richard ezeoba says:

    yes i have been waiting for the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE to show himself strong on my behalf by crushing evil oppressors harassing me.I key into these words of life nd i see the good Lord doing it for me.amen

  • Daisy Chiivnge says:

    Glory be to God. I had a conversation with the Holy Spirit and to confirm the Word of God,the Holy Spirit told me to read today’s prophetic word. Thank you soo much may the Almighty god continually bless you, guide and use you Amen.

  • Your Prophetic is so on time.I hear my Father speaking to me daily, through all the darkness/pain that I’ve been through.My hope is in my God/His Son Who has purchased me.To Him, and Him alone be all glory, honor/praise.