The Father Says Today: June 28th, 2023

The Father says today that the Spirit of grace floods your life that you might be filled with hope, guidance, and encouragement. Fear not the challenges and obstacles that lie ahead, for I am with you always. Trust in My divine plan, for I have destined you for greatness. Step into the unknown with a steadfast heart, knowing that I will lead and protect you. In this season, I am aligning your path for breakthroughs and miracles. Be open to the signs I place before you, as they are easily overlooked or missed. I am indeed orchestrating divine connections and opportunities for your advancement. You may not see much advancement at first but do not despise the small beginnings, for they are stepping stones towards your destinies. When you are feeling lost, know that I am the compass that will guide your way. Seek My presence in quiet meditation and prayer, and I will reveal the purpose I have woven into your soul. Your unique talents, gifts, and passions are not coincidental; they are the flames of your purpose that will ignite a brighter future.

Be careful for nothing. Release any worries or doubts that weigh you down, as they hinder the power and blessings I desire to bestow upon you. In surrender, you will find strength. Seek My wisdom and guidance in all decision-making, and watch as the path before you become clearer. Press into the pressure and resolutely determine to adopt a posture of gratitude in all things. Even in the midst of trials, find reasons to praise and give thanks. Doing so opens the gates for more blessings to flow into your life. Count your blessings, big and small, and watch as your perspective shifts towards the abundance surrounding you. Remember always to extend love and compassion to those around you. Be a beacon of light and love in a world filled with chaos and turmoil. Your acts of kindness and empathy can transform someone’s life and bring healing to their soul. Trust in Me, for I am your ever-present guide, and together, we will conquer all obstacles and walk in your NOW season filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment. You are cherished, and your destiny holds great significance. Believe in the whispers of your heart, for they align with My divine plan. Walk in faith, beloved, and witness the unfolding of miracles in your life.

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