The Father Says Today: June 27th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-26 at 5.16.48 PMThe Father says today when you look in the hearts of those around you – choose to SEE THE LAMB and not any other image. The rankest sinner without any desire to walk in My kingdom is yet made in My image and draws his breath at My indulgence and patience. If I endure the mockery of the cross is it not a small thing to endure with patience and kindness the disdain and insults of those who choose not to walk in My path?
See the Lamb when you look at those around you. See the Lamb when they set you at nought and even mistreat and misrepresent you. See the Lamb says the Father for when you SEE THE LAMB in others you step into My mercies in your own behalf that are renewed every morning. When you solicit My mercy for yourself but choose not to demonstrate the same to others then you disqualify yourself from My favor.
I am not holding out on you or holding back says the Father. I will deny you nothing that the Cross has paid for. Only determine it in your heart to love with abandon and without condition even those who disparage and harass you. Do not fret about their depredations against you for in due season I will make them come to the table of peace in your behalf.

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  • Bridgette says:

    Lord, Thank you so much for these POWERFUL prophetic words of reconcile. I Decree and Declare
    that I SHALL adhere and be obedient to these words. I release them ALL who have and continues to wrong me.
    Lord, forgive them for they are lost and know not what they do. Forgive me Lord for the times when
    I have hurt and retaliated against them in any which way. Give in a clean and clear heart. In Jesus’s name. I RELEASE THEM TO YOU LORD! AMEN!

  • Yolande says:

    Thank you Father for this wisdom words, and thank you Prophet! And thank you Father for the peace that You give me for know. I will remember this, this is a golden key for me to victory. God Bless.