The Father Says Today: June 26th, 2020

The Father says today I am not a god of poverty; I am a God of prosperity. Those who have taught you otherwise have made an obscenity of My gospel. I came that you might have life and that more abundantly. There is no lack in abundance. There is no privation in abundance. Men will teach you that poverty is your portion, but they will never apply it to others. Reject all such thinking for I would that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Is your soul prospering? You are on your way to heaven! You are a child of the king! You are My chosen and peculiar possession, and My will is that your life in the here and now reflects what I have chosen for you then!

My child, the poverty I suffering on the earth, is working through substitutionary power to bring supply and increase into your life. The time is now. Now is the day of your salvation, and nothing will be left out. I am moving in your personal life, and I am moving in your financial situation. I am bringing the blessing that makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. This is as the days of heaven on earth for you. Now you will be as those who dreamed for the blessing and the benefit and the open heaven I have placed above, around and beneath you. Now more privation. Destitution is at an end. The increase of kings manifests now in your situation. The blood of a king flows inside of you and covers you in every challenge. You won’t be left out for by the work of the Cross I have included you in the full work of redemption!

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