The Father Says Today: June 25th, 2023

The Father says today; you are My betrothed. My heart toward you is as the heart of a bridegroom for His bride. You are more than a mere servant. If all I wanted from you were obedience, there would have been no need for the cross, no need to go down into hell for your salvation, no need to humble Myself to become a man in order to secure the new birth on your behalf. You are My beloved. You are My betrothed. My love for you is stronger than death, and My jealousy over you is more cruel than the grave. I am a jealous God, and My fire burns against anything in your life that would distract you from our intimacy and relationship. That is My heart for you and My heart toward you this day. This day I choose to beautify you with My love and My favor because there is no greater purpose in My kingdom than to bring forth a bride suited for the bridegroom – who I AM.

So, rest in this, says the Father, that I am not towering over you waiting to beat you down if you don’t serve Me and grovel before Me like a slave in chains. You are My beloved. You are an heir of the kingdom and an entitled one in the heavens. All of heaven turns its focus upon you – not because of who you are in yourself but because of My evident and obvious love for you. Every angel assigned to your life understands how much I love you. Every angel working in your life does so with the understanding that you are favored and that My heart is inclined toward you. There is no reluctance in Me where you are concerned – let there be no reluctance in your heart where I am concerned. Let there be trust, fidelity, and abandonment in your heart toward Me this day, for I am your reward and your bridegroom, and as such I desire to this day fill you and fill your life with every good thing.

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