The Father Says Today: June 25th, 2018

The Father says today, the move is on. You are leaving the old things behind and making your transition to fresh territory and different blessings. Know that your investments of time and energy in current relationships and commitments are not lost. Nothing is ever adrift in My kingdom when you put your foot forward in the path that I have set before you. Face forward then and eyes front! Remember Lot’s wife. Your blessings lie ahead of you, so release and bless what has passed on behind you. Press onward with zeal and passion, for greater things, greater days and greater glory are just ahead.
This is more than a momentary adjustment, says God. No matter how fond you are of what is, you must always learn to hold everything loosely. Learn to own nothing. Learn to anchor your security in nothing more than who I am in your life. In so doing, you will go from glory to glory and faith to faith from now to the end of your earth journey. Things that remain the same and never change or move always come to death. The cloud of My presence is shifting ever forward, and the pillar of fire is continually lighting your path on to the next assignment. You are a pilgrim pressing in to greater glory, greater anointing and greater conquest in My kingdom.

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Other Comments


    This surely lines up with a dream I had last night…I belive this is a huge portion of it’s interpretation….

  • Hallelujah.. I’m stepping into the greater Glory today is my day to see more of Your Glory and to walk in Your presence Lord.. show me your Glory. I’m ready to move forward, leaving those things which are behind and walking out the book that You personally wrote about me.. Walking out the promises of God. Time to get out of stuck Ville and move in your faithfulness, Grace and love.. I’m ready Lord.. Show me Your Glory.. Hallelujah

  • Nanette Terrebonne says:

    This prophetic word could not be more timely for me personally! Thank you Father God!