The Father Says Today: June 24th, 2020

The Father says today I am growing you into the full stature of the Christ anointing. The works that I manifested on earth will you demonstrate and even greater works because the way into the holiest is made clear that you might come and partake, and be refreshed and go out and refresh others. You aren’t taking on more than you can handle. Refuse to turn a blind eye to those that are wounded and hurting on the byways of life. Reach out and make a difference even when others are passing by as though to say “not my problem, not my responsibility…” Let My compassion rise up within you to see those that others look right through, and in that compassion, you will make a difference and receive a reward for your willingness to obey and be inconvenienced in the situation.

There have been those times of difficulty and days when treachery and betrayal seemed to crop up on every hand. Forgive them and move on. Choose not to allow the root of bitterness or nostalgia for lost relationships to cloud your judgment. Keep your heart softened with the oil of My Spirit for there are things, many things that I am ready to speak to you in the secret place, but you cannot enter with all that occupying your mind. Seek My kingdom, always seek My kingdom says the Father for I reward the seeker.  You’ve asked I’m going to answer.  You’ve sought I will be found of you, and I will activate who I am on the inside of you, and you will fulfill My purpose and serve me without distraction, says the Father.

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