The Father Says Today: June 23rd, 2020

The Father says today, wrap your face in your mantle and hear what I would say to you in this season. There is within you by My hand ministry portion and a measure anointing to heal the brokenhearted and to set right paths before those that are out of the way. This is even the same unction that was placed upon you as a younger person, but you weren’t ready for it, for there was refining that needed to take place. That fire has burned, and I have taken away the dross of carnal thinking, and now you are returning again to the altar of commitment where a decision must be made on your part to accept or reject the assignment I put before you.

Remember that I am your qualifier. You think you are unqualified, and yes, it is true there are those around you who see nothing but your shortcoming. I say to you look only through the filter that I looked through before the foundation of the world when I called you and ordained you to serve in My kingdom. You are going to touch many lives, for I have sent you into a dry land filled with vessels that have nothing but dust and carnality to pour out. As a root out of the desert floor, I am causing you to partake of My grace and rear up an oasis of refreshing that those who have chased mirages all their life will come and find something substantial in you that will sustain them for the journey as I have sustained you in your sojourn. Be faithful in that which I have called you to do, and you will not be set aside or disappointed in any way.

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