The Father Says Today: June 23rd, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-22 at 5.44.52 PMThe Father says today never deny yourself higher ground of the Spirit by entering into contention. Contention ONLY comes by pride. The enemy will whisper and justify and give you every excuse for resentment and argument. He knows that when you contend you are in his jurisdiction. His name is ADVERSARY after all. So when your blood runs hot and the words flood to your mind make the choice to ascend at that moment into the law of love.
In the jurisdiction of contention victory is an achievement. Under the law of love victory is a constant state. Ruling and reigning begins as you ascend into the law of love. The law of love negates every other law and brings you to the liberty of My creative sovereignty. Though your enemy prattle and prance and rejoice at his supposed victory over you – stand still and watch as I re-order the very ground under your feet to place you in FULL JURISDICTION and authority.
The day is at hand that I will deliver your enemy into your hand. What will you do at that moment? Will you drink of the momentary satisfaction of revenge? Or will you defer that libation and rise up into the faultless, blameless ascendency of the sovereignty of love?

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