The Father Says Today: June 22nd, 2023

The Father says today; this is your entering in time. Enter into the greater things of My kingdom. Enter in where My love is the paramount motivator dictating by My hand what happens next in your life. Come out of shame and guilt. Lean into My love surpasses all of your sins and failures, for you are My beloved, bought with the precious blood of Calvary that you might be in Me and I in you always. My love is stronger than death and any hatred or cruelty that might be directed your way by the councils of the uninformed and those who don’t see what I see when they look at you. Yes, I am jealous, God, and My jealousy over is fierce. Always remember that mercy rejoices over judgment. My love response toward you is greater than any judgment lodged against you. and it is our highest task to simply receive that love. In accepting My love, you are accepting Me for I am love personified.

You’ve asked questions, and you’ve cast about for some understanding of My ways, and that’s commendable. Always stay in a place of wonderment regarding My overarching purpose for you that is being unfolded and made manifest even to this day. What happens next is not decided by a right move or a wrong move but by My unending love that you abide in, and know that in My love that we can truly accomplish anything. Every other effort is pointless if you do not first immerse yourself in My love. Love is the reason I have come and the reason why I stay online in your life, bringing blessings and breakthrough. I am not moving to condemn you, but to love you at every moment. It is your responsibility and your privilege to tear away any false images in your thinking that would disallow you from accepting My love and My favor. Accept this love and rejoice in it for at the end of days come, My love remains ever constant. So remember and keep at the top of your mind the reality of the depth and breadth of the My love. Nothing can compare to the love that I have bestowed on us. As you enter into the greater things of My kingdom,  dwell in My love. My love is greater than any of your sins, failures, or fears. It is in understanding this love that you will be able to live purposefully in My kingdom. Tear away by an act of your will every false image of Me that defies or contradicts love, and accept the love I so freely give you. Let us revel in My love daily, basking and luxuriating in it as I carry you forward into the utter fulfillment of every promise I’ve whispered to your heart.

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