The Father Says Today: June 22nd, 2020

The Father says today My timings are shifting things in your life. What worked yesterday isn’t going to work today, for I am taking you to new territory that you might lay claim and establish and have those things that I have promised you in days past. Do not be afraid to let go for the freedoms of yesterday become the captivities of today when the pillar of cloud has moved, and the pillar of fire is beckoning you on. Trust Me says the Father and it from here as you step out in My kairos timing. Stay in the place of acute sensitivity to the tug of My Spirit upon your heart for new doors are opening, and I would that you walk without hesitation into the new things that are ahead.

Relationships are changing. Some friendships are deepening while others are going by the wayside. Hold everything loosely. Never make the mistake of looking to others for what you should only rely on Me for. I am your Rock and your strength even when all around you fold their hands and walk away. Your security is not in the familiarity of the faces around you but in the indwelling of My Spirit that leads you on the narrow path that everyone will not join with you in. New partnerships in kingdom purpose are coming to replace those that came to their end. Forgive those that have failed you. They are nothing but flesh, and you are going to have to learn that and kick the dust off your feet and move on.

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