The Father Says Today: June 22nd, 2012

The Father says today let Me do all the talking. You are facing a challenge, yes but I don’t want you to resort to human reasoning or rationale to overcome this obstacle. When the pressure is on and you have no answers, let Me do all the talking. What do I mean by that? Open your mouth and say what I say. Say what I would say if I were facing your situation.
Be an imitator of Me as a child imitates and emulates the Father whom he loves. That you love Me is not in question says the Father. I find pleasure in you as you lean hard into Me in times of stress. When fire is hot and the challenge is real let the smile of faith be on your lips. Smile the smile of one who knows I am going to show up and bring answers, deliverance and satisfy your full expectation. I will never embarrass you with unanswered prayer says the Father. Go ahead and expect a miracle, I’ve got plenty miracles to spare.

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  • peter mpete says:
    I feel so fullfield about these words.i was really not feeling good lately.something discouraged me very badly but after reading your sms i felt i have reason to live.

  • Peter says:

    Wow ! Beautiful heart ! When it’s spoken it comes with only with good things , beautiful treasures , full of liberation ! It’s hopeful , it’s kind , it’s gentle, it’s accepting all , it’s all goodness , it is HIM only Christ in us , and we know His voice so shall we follow . thank you for sharing

  • Yes Papa God You always show up for me/show me things before THEY happen. Your plan always comédie through…..Thanks Daddy, ……I love You.

  • Maria says:

    Thank you, before I read this I was talking to my daughter using God’s Word, thank you for confirmation. I will meditate on his Word day and night as God asks us to do.

  • NOAH SEKU says: