The Father Says Today: June 21st, 2023

The Father says today, “Much prayer, much power. Little prayer, little power.” Your words are formidable against the enemy, says the Father, for your prayers are powerful and effective when they proceed out of a faith-filled heart. You are equipped, says the Father, and your words are an important weapon in the arsenal I’ve made available to you through the blood of Cross. Your prayers are the key that unlocks the door to the supernatural and unleashes the power of My throne in your life. Through prayer, your petitions, supplications, and intercessions rise before and are answered according to My faithfulness and your expectation of hope beyond any outcome you could imagine. Prayer is not just a duty, but it is your privilege, honor, and entitlement as a blood-bought child of God. In this season, you are moving from authority to authorization – authorized to come before the throne of God and make our requests known.

Take advantage of every opportunity to move in unity and prayer. Realize that when you pray, you are not asking for something beyond My reach or power. Instead, you are tapping into the infinite resources of the Kingdom of Heaven, which has no limits or bounds. Go through your day today and every day praying with all petition, supplication, and intercession. Pray for yourself, your family, your city, and your nation. Can a nation be won in a day? Yes, through the efficacy of faith-filled prayer out of your mouth in a timely manner. Pray for the lost, the hurting, the broken, and the oppressed. Pray with faith and expectation, knowing that I will be found faithful and will fully answer your prayer.

When you sow into the anointing, you reap of the anointing, and glory precedes your breakthrough!

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