The Father Says Today: June 21st, 2013

Russ-n-Kitty-June-2013The Father says today that I am accelerating the forward momentum of My purpose in your life. Yesterday’s program is today’s delay. No looking back says the Father. Set your attention upon My promise for you are where your attention takes you. Do not give consideration to the tormenting thoughts of what might be or what has gone on before. Those doubts and fears are the construct of the enemy to keep you in thrall to limitation and denial of your destiny.
I am with you says the Father. I am with you and working in you both to will and to do My good pleasure. It is My greatest joy to giving you the kingdom. My kingdom is righteousness, joy and peace. These things are FREELY given without any condition. So accept that gift today and expect answers and peace and fullness of joy. Let your mouth pray and let your heart laugh for he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh and rule over all your enemies!

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