The Father Says Today: June 21st, 2012

The Father says today that your world is framed by your words. That is why the enemy wants to silence you. He only wants the negative words to find expression in your life. Did you ever notice how easy it is to curse and complain and murmur says the Father? Yet My joy and My peace are inside of you building up and seeking expression.
Open your mouth and declare the goodness of My provision in your life. Your praise and your positive affirmations of My faithfulness will shatter the emotional turmoil that has robbed you of your joy. The enemy of your soul fears My joy in your heart more than any other thing. Let My joy bubble up and out in your words today. Let the effervescence of My Spirit lay claim on your vocabulary today.
I have called you to be a “joy bomb” says the Father. It is time to light the fuse.

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