The Father Says Today: June 20th, 2020

The Father says today live in the overflow of My goodness. Your walk with Me is not a static, uncaring matter. As you live in My Spirit and walk in My Spirit, there is a courtship taking place for you are My beloved, and I am thine. There is nothing that I am withholding from you of My goodness and My favor as you keep your mind stayed on Me, refusing to be sidetracked in any way. Joy and blessing are the overflow pouring into your life as My embrace and courtship grow more passionate with every breath. This is not a time of morning or lament. Yes, there is darkness even gross darkness on the land, but what is that to you when I am the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day that keeps you safe and leads you on through every challenge?

Know this says the Father that in every sphere of endeavor you operate in, victory and delight are stored up and waiting for the occasion of your faithful response to My every command. New dreams are coming, and new desires, even things that have not entered into the mind of man that I am willing to do and willing to bring forth in the earth in this season. Know that you are safe even when you leap over the rail and walk on the water. Go ahead and step out. Go ahead and leave the shallows of the things of My kingdom and come out where there are waters to swim in. No more backward looks. No more looking from side to side but only looking ahead, confident that what awaits is nothing more than the highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.

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