The Father Says Today: June 20th, 2012

The Father says today, “Do not fear the shadows that fall upon the earth. The voices of the world, loud and clamorous though they may be, speak only of the seen and the temporal. They are but echoes in the caverns of this world, their truths distorted and incomplete.

Lift your eyes, dear one. Turn your gaze to the heavens, for I am speaking. Listen with the ears of your spirit, and you will begin to discern the symphony of My purpose unfolding amidst the chaos.

Remember the storms you have weathered in your past. Recall the moments when the waves crashed around you, and fear threatened to consume you. Yet, I was there, a steadfast anchor in the tempest. I carried you through those trials, and I will not forsake you now.

The world may tremble. Nations may rise and fall like grains of sand in the wind. Economies may crumble, and fear may grip the hearts of many. But you, My child, are held secure in the palm of My hand.

The future I have prepared for you is one of hope and redemption. Though the path may wind through valleys of darkness, I will be your light, guiding your every step. Though the mountains may seem insurmountable, I will be your strength, enabling you to climb to heights you never thought possible.

Run to Me, My child, and find refuge in the shelter of My wings. Let My Word be your compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of these times. Let My Spirit be your anchor, holding you firm in the midst of the storm.

The headlines of this world may scream of despair, but I speak a message of hope. The voices of this world may proclaim defeat, but I declare victory. The wisdom of this world may offer only confusion, but I offer clarity and peace.

Trust in Me, My child. I am your rock, your fortress, your shield. I am the One who calms the storm and stills the raging sea. I am the One who brings order out of chaos and light out of darkness.

Take refuge in Me, and you will find safety. You will emerge from this time of trial unscathed, your faith refined, your spirit strengthened, and your heart overflowing with My peace.

Even now, I am working behind the scenes, weaving together the tapestry of your life, a masterpiece of My love and grace. Do not be dismayed by the chaos of the present, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I hold the future in My hands, and I hold you in My heart.

You are Mine, and in Me, you will find all that you need. ” With everlasting love,

Your Father

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