The Father Says Today: June 1st, 2023

The Father says today that you are clean through the word that I speak to you. There is washing, and there is cleansing in My Spirit, says the Father. When the defilement of the world contaminates your spirit, come to Me and be refreshed. In all the Old Testament examples, the unclean always contaminated the clean when it came into contact. There was one exception. When something that is unclean touches running water, the running water will not become unclean. I am that running water in your life. I have placed within you streams of living water that are flowing out from you as a testament to My love and a testament to My purity in your life. Though you may be under pressure, know that the power of the current of My river in you is greater than the power of the enemy trying to breach your walls.

Greater is the pressure on the inside of you of My Spirit flowing out than the pressure of the enemy on the outside seeking to defile you. As the children of Israel sang to the rock and the water came forth, so let your mouth sing of My praises, and the refreshing of My Spirit will cleanse you. There is cleansing in My Spirit, beloved. Deliverance from sin and deliverance from the contamination of the world is necessary and needful. Come to the well of water, the springs of living water, the veritable river of My Spirit that flows in you even now. It is not a metaphor for a river – it is a river in truth as mighty as any river on the earth breaking forth from My heart to your life and blasting away every assault of the enemy. Sing to that river. Command with the words of your mouth for My river to spring up as the saints of old times did. Receive and be cleansed. Receive and be refreshed. Receive and be renewed, healed, and transformed this day by My healing river.

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