The Father Says Today: June 1st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I have called you to be a GRACE GIVER not a law keeper. The things you are crying out for in your life are available through my grace, even my un-merited favor. I have not called you says the Father to earn now what I freely gave 2000 years ago. Stretch out your hands and receive of my bounty. Lift up your arms and surrender to my unconditional love. Be washed this day in your heart and in your mind from the contamination of performance-based religious thinking. You are the entitled son and daughter of a loving heavenly Father. The brutality of the cross is the expression of the intensity wherewith I love you. If I withheld not my only Son but rather yielded Him up to scourging and death – how shall I not with Him freely give you all things?
So let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus! You are my beloved. I have delivered all things into your hands. I have poured out my Spirit upon you without measure. Open the floodgates of your faith this day, for today is the day that my unconditional yes becomes your manifest portion. Reject the fantasy of “one day”, “someday”, for I say to you that today is your now season. I have given you dominion and authority that applies to your situation today! Open your mouth and speak with the audacity of one who understands the blood bought provision! I challenge you to bankrupt heaven with your prayers. I challenge you to overstep my favor toward you this day. Enter into the entitlement of sons and I will mold you and I will shape you into one who flawlessly reflects the character of my kingdom.

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