The Father Says Today: June 19th, 2012

The Father says today, “Your angel never takes his eyes off My face.” Long before you drew your first breath, an angel was assigned to guard and protect you. A thousand times over, this celestial guardian has been there, working silently and unseen, to defend you from harm.

Do you truly grasp the depths of My love? I hand-crafted and created this supernatural being with you in mind, a unique expression of My love and care for you. When I walked the earth, I faced the cross and chose not to call upon angelic protection. I could have been delivered from that agonizing death, had I only summoned My angelic warriors. But I chose not to. I refused to call upon them so I could make provision for them to come to your aid.

This angel, My child, has witnessed your past. They saw the tears you cried in the darkness, the battles you fought alone, the times you stumbled and fell. They rejoiced over every victory, every step of faith, every moment of surrender. And they carried your prayers to My throne, interceding on your behalf.

Know this: the angels are working in your behalf today. In this present moment, the threats and pressures of the enemy are being thwarted. The strategies of hell that seem so effective at times are being dealt with by angelic warriors fighting for you. Even now, as you read these words, they are at work, pushing back the darkness and ushering in My light.

Lift your eyes, dear one. The future is bright with promise. Expect a reversal, a turning point, a return of My blessing in your life in a great and glorious way. New doors will open, chains will be broken, and you will walk in the fullness of My purpose for your life.

It’s all for you, says the Father. Trust Me. Rejoice! The assistance you cried out for is at your side at this very moment. You are not alone. You are loved. You are protected. You are Mine.

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Other Comments

  • Nancy says:

    Thank you Russ for bringing the Father’s heart to us. He never leave us nor forsake us.
    Thank you Abba Father.

  • Rhoonda Lee says:

    AMEN!!!! Awesome, Russ, This speaks to a dream I had a few days ago. I saw a platoon of angels surrounding my daughters and I as in a circle of protection. They each had a gift box in their hands and they gave these gifts to each of us. These gifts were imparted into our spirits and souls. When I received one of the gifts, my vision became clearer, with another gift, my thoughts became even more focused on my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With another, peace overwhelmed me! Today’s word confirms what blessings our angels are!!! God Bless Abundantly, RL

  • I have just started reading your prophetic words each day and they are a great blessing. The one about my angel today really touched me greatly. I didn’t know He specifically made one just for me. I sure would lke to thank him when I get to Heaven for all he has done. Wow!!!

  • NOAH SEKU says: