The Father Says Today: June 18th, 2020

The Father says this day, the expanse of heaven is open to you. In your heart, there has been a father-fracture that caused a deep aching and longing that nothing has satisfied. Know this that I am your Papa and Daddy’s arms are wrapping you up in My embrace this day. This is a time to leave the shallows behind of religious things, for I am leading you further into kingdom truth. In this season, you will go through the portal of the Cross and experience the measure of resurrection power accorded to you on this side of eternity. My love is overflowing, and new periods of revelation are empowering you to bring the wealth of My kingdom to earth that you might manifest My glory to the sons of Laban.

In the struggle and the warfare, purpose in your heart to always stay surrendered to Me fully. As you ascend in worship, you will descend in warfare, and the enemy will be routed. I am the God that always causes you to triumph, and in that moment, victory through My Holy Spirit will be made manifest. Seek Me daily to whisper new directions, keeping you in the flow of My infinite energy and strength. I will use you to touch the nations through My love and cause your dreams and heart’s desires to come to fruition as in a day. I am the God of manifest glory, and I will manifest more than you can ask or imagine, so keep dreaming, stay open, and be prepared for joy unspeakable.

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