The Father Says Today: June 17th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-16 at 6.54.07 PMThe Father says today that I want you to get ready for Me to stretch you. I will not leave you where you are in life I will take you deeper in My Spirit. Change is essential for life and I am enlarging and stretching you to contain more of My purpose and more of My Spirit. Make it your determination this very day to believe that I am the rewarder of those who diligently seek Me. The diligence that brings My blessing does not require religious regimen or vain repetition as though I am not disposed to answer your needs.
It is time to lose forever the entrenched religious notion that you must cajole and beg and rail upon My kindness to receive an answer. The bloodstained wood 2000 years ago is enough says the Father to certify to you regarding My absolute willingness to act in your behalf. So beginning today says the Father let us reason together and speak as Father and child in a new dimension of intimacy and grace that I activate over you now.

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  • john bavido says:

    I am on Christ’s stretching rack today..his word in me is still and mighty. He will prevail to bring to me his fruits of the spirit.