The Father Says Today: June 17th, 2012

The Father says, “Never say never.” His voice, like a warm embrace in the cold winter of your soul, echoes through the corridors of time – your past, your present, and your future. Remember those dreams you tucked away, the visions that dimmed under the weight of disappointment? The ones you thought were beyond the reach of hope, the promises you believed would never see the light of day? He sees them too.

Think again, He urges. Remember the times I have surprised you, the moments when my hand reached down and shifted the impossible? I am the God of suddenlies, the one who delights in turning mourning into dancing and ashes into beauty. I am sending those “suddenlies” to you now, whispers of my love carried on the wings of angels.

I see the torment, the regret that lingers like a shadow over your heart. You may feel that certain losses are irrevocable, that some wounds will never heal. But I say to you, there is not one loss I am not prepared to redeem, not one tear I will not wipe away. I will make all things new.

Even now, I am restoring your childlike expectancy, the kind that bubbles over with faith and laughter. Remember the joy of Christmas mornings, the anticipation of birthdays? I am reawakening that wonder within you. This season, you will see my hand move in extraordinary ways. You will witness my faithfulness in every area of your life.

So lift your eyes, dear one. The fields of your life are not barren; they are ripe for harvest. I am the God of abundance, the giver of good gifts. I am your Father, and I love you beyond measure.

Trust in me. Believe again.


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  • Shelley says:

    And the Spirit of God is using today’s daily prophetic word as a continuation and confirmation of what had been discussed at a bible study gathering I attended earlier this afternoon….it’s not the first time this has happened, and it certainly won’t be the last! God bless all of you here at Fathers Heart Ministry!

  • thank you LORD! today was the day i reallllly really needed to hear the spoken word of God. I almost gave up on one dream that i really desire God to move on, but thank you JESUS! THANK YOU JESUS! THANK YOU JESUS! Oh how you love me and I am forever grateful.

  • I receive this word into my life today, and thank you Father for your faithfulness. Thank you also to Russ and Kitty for waiting on the Lord and sharing the Father’s heart,in Jesus’ Name.

  • Cindy Loflin says:

    What a wonderful Word for me today (my birthday…and I was actually born on Fathers Day Sunday). Thank You, my Heavenly Father, for speaking this promise into my life today. I receive it and await your suddenlies

  • Ellen says:

    Childlike comes easy for me. I thank the Father for His promises. I’m excited and expectant about the suddenlies my Father has for me. He knows I love surprises!

  • Alanda Harding says:

    Thank You ABBA FATHER I release those thoughts that keep me from receiving your BLESSINGS Father BLESS Russ and Kitty for sharing with us daily the things that are on your Heart.LOVE YOU