The Father Says Today: June 16th, 2012

The Father says to your heart today, “You are where your attention takes you.” He sees the places your mind wanders, the anxieties that grip you, the shadows of the past that threaten to consume your present joy. He knows how easily your focus can be drawn to the worries, the fears, the problems that loom large in this world. But He longs to break that death-dealing cycle in your life.

Remember the victories He has won for you, the battles He has fought on your behalf. Recall the moments when His grace lifted you from despair, when His love healed your wounds, when His presence calmed your storms. He has been your trusted Redeemer in every circumstance, and He will not fail you now.

Lift your eyes, dear one. See His glory shining in the midst of your trials. Hear His voice calling you to a place of peace and rest. Say in your heart, “I will not fear. What can man do to me?” For your confidence in Him is a shield against the assaults of the enemy. Your trust in Him quenches every fiery dart aimed at your peace and joy.

Yes, there will be battles. You will face challenges and seeming setbacks. But in each one, He will be there, your constant companion, your unwavering support. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

“You are where your attention takes you,” says the Father. Keep your heart and mind enraptured in His glory, and His glory will be your refuge, your hiding place until the storm is passed. He will lead you beside still waters, He will restore your soul.

Even now, He is preparing a future filled with hope and promise. A future where every tear is wiped away, where pain and sorrow are no more. A future where you will dwell in His presence forever. Keep your gaze fixed on Him, and let His love guide you every step of the way.

In His loving embrace,

Your brother in Christ

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