The Father Says Today: June 15th, 2013

Russ-and-KittyThe Father says today that you are a majority of one! The accomplishments and dreams that you have set your heart on do not require the understanding or consent of those around you who have no faith. Come into the secret place of the Most High this day My beloved and in My counsels we will get this thing done that you have cried out to Me for so long.
Open your heart and open your mind to My directives and My planning for your success. There is no impediment or hindrance that can survive My consent to move mightily in your behalf. So set aside the “Do Nothing” counsel of those who have concluded there is “Nothing to Do.” That is not My Mind arising from that trough of religious unbelief. I am God and I can do anything I want any time I want and I don’t have to check with anyone for permission.
So align yourself with My Mind says the Father and My heart and prepare to step up and step out on the billows of miraculous impossibility. Say within your heart that nothing shall be impossible to you. I am the More-than-you-can-ask-or-think God and I am just warming up on the good and great things I am preparing to do in your life.

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  • Nicola says:

    I am enjoying your wrds its great thanks, as I do need at the mo as Ive have been thru some bad times

  • theresa jackson says:

    Jesus all I say to this is AMEN, I receive and thank you so much and Cool!! Love you so much, Theresa

  • Oh Russ & Kitty U Rock With His Heartbeat! Glory On! I love u! Can’t Wait to Bless your Socks Off Soon! Jes’me, Yvon d Lighted