The Father Says Today: June 14th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 1.47.42 PMThe Father says today that I declare and proclaim that you are a COME OUTER and an OVERCOMER! You are coming out says the Father! You are coming out of loss and you are coming out of restriction. I am LARGE and IN CHARGE over every affair of your life. The enemy of your soul will not merely be turned back – he will be CRUSHED and you will report the victory to all those who said I could not or I would not!
I am ordering your steps toward new territory and bolder claims of conquest. As in the days of old you are one who is going to experience miracles of a New Testament caliber. You will see my hand even as Gideon who cried out “Where is the Lord God who brought miracles in the wilderness?” I will manifest modern miracles in your present day wilderness experience. You will find Manna on the ground every morning and water from the rock when you thirst. Yes says the Father you will daily experience provisional miracles of supernatural supply to bring you to a place of blessing and wholeness and reconciliation to all that my word has promised.

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