The Father Says Today: June 12th, 2023

The Father says today, you can set your own season in My kingdom. You may have been taught that there is little you can control in life, but that is not what My word says. I am the Lord of the heavens and the earth. There is nothing that happens in creation that I am not fully aware of and influencing at every level. You are My beloved child in whom I take pleasure both to bless and benefit you. I live on the inside of you. My kingdom is on the inside of you. My kingdom is My rule. My sovereignty and My omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. Do you really think that living for Me and walking in My kingdom is about being plowed under by circumstance or going through life as a failure in abject suffering?

Say of your soul, “the Greater One lives within me…” Say of your soul, “I really CAN do all things through Christ which strengthens me…” The religious mentality will always throw dispersions on the kingdom way of thinking. Religious, illegitimate authority will continually attempt to disqualify you from My very promise. They say to you (wrongly) that I want you to suffer and to go without. Isn’t it interesting that they themselves seldom go without though they see My glory in the poverty of others? Set aside that kind of thinking. This is a day that you will enter into a new experience of the entitlement that the Cross of Christ and the suffering of Calvary affords you. I love you because I love you – because I love you. What about all your shortcomings? We will deal with those along the way. Just be cooperative. Be in a place of yieldedness at all times – but know this, beloved: Everything in your life improves from here.

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