The Father Says Today – June 11th, 2024

The Father says today, get ready for a shift. Your assignment is changing, even though there seem to be loose ends that have not resolved themselves. Hold onto things loosely, for new marching orders are coming. This may feel disruptive, but remember Abraham leaving Ur. He had to let go of the familiar for a far greater destiny. There are blessings ahead, but they won’t fall into your lap. Engage, move forward, and expect results. Don’t be afraid to appear foolish in your faith. Be willing, be obedient. I will bless the work of your hands and the fruit of your lips. Standing still accomplishes nothing. You have a calling, a mantle. Embrace this ratification from heaven for your new assignment and territory. Be spendable. Are you willing to be used for My purposes? According to your willingness and heart for the kingdom, I will add all things to your life. I desire to fulfill your highest dreams and deepest desires. Let go of your limited understanding and follow My peace. It will lead you where logic cannot.

Be bold and audacious enough to claim every place you set foot in, literally and figuratively. Expect opposition, like Nehemiah facing Sanballat. Ignore those who lack faith, even if they seem supportive. Peter walked on water despite the doubts of others. Will you listen to the naysayers or My still, small voice directing you and guiding you through the darkness crowding in upon you? This is your season for audacious faith. Militate against negativity, both within yourself and from others. As your flesh weakens, your spirit will soar to new heights of authority. Take action now, with specificity and relevance. This is the year of double for you – double favor, double blessings. Some may not understand, but favor isn’t always convenient. Embrace it as a double benefit in Jesus’ name. With this double blessing comes double responsibility. Seek out leaders for accountability. You won’t reach your destination alone. Here are your marching orders: 1.) Do what I do (John 5:19). 2.) Form no opinions (Matthew 7:1). 3.)Let go of the outcome (John 12:24). As you follow these instructions, you’ll enter a realm of increasing pressure but also breakthrough. Your words and actions will become as effective as if they were Mine.

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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