The Father Says Today: June 11th, 2021

The Father says today, don’t give in to discouragement or lamentation merely because you’ve had a setback. Every setback in the natural is a set up for better things in the spirit when you are in partnership with Me. You feel like you have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and you have blamed yourself because you’ve realized you made a mistake. Adjust your thinking this day about such things, for I am not intimidated by your capacity for failure. I am the God who never planted anything in a row and chaos is my starting place to bring forth order and order in my kingdom precedes glory. Yes, you made a mistake, but in my sovereignty, I even cause your mistakes to prosper you beyond all imagining.

Be at rest, says the Father. Be at rest and be about the business of My kingdom. As you seek first the kingdom, as you seek first My righteousness, you will see all things added, multiplied, and increased in extreme measure. Trust Me. Keep walking forward. Stay the course that I’ve set before you. Persevere in this new way for the old wineskin is shredded and cannot hold what I’m pouring out upon you. Revel and rejoice in the changes I’m bringing. Don’t be afraid of change, and don’t resist change. Tell yourself daily change isn’t harmful; change is beneficial for I am the God that changes not, yet I require you to be willing to live in a constant state of change anchored only in Me, for I will never fail you.

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Other Comments

  • A Reed says:

    Yes. My setback will change to a set up for the Lord’s Glory. Blessings, Shalom and Agape

  • Mr. Waldron, for quite some time I have daily printed out your daily word prophecies and prayed into them. I am amazed at how they speak into my life and circumstance! Thank you so much for your faithfulness. The words you bring forth have served to encourage, challenge, convict snd grow me in my walk with our Lord! Because of them snd the anointing on them, I am better able to follow Jesus into my calling. Thank You so much!